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"Persian Spring" 



Spring and all its flowers
now joyously break their vow of silence.
It is time for celebration.
~ 14th Century Persian Poet Hafez 

Inspired by the buds of spring, this Hamsa evokes imagery

of spring in ancient Persia, when the Pomegranate flower, Persian Rose, and Saffron Crocus would blossom and carpet nature with their colors and scents. 

These flowers are among a multitude of flowers indigenous

to the Persian region of old and Modern day Iran.  From King Solomon's Song of Songs and Persian poets Hafez and Rumi, to today's Iran's Flower Festival, flowers have always inspired and moved us. Let nature's spring be reflected in the spring

of our soul; let us begin our growth anew.

The Hamsa hand is an ancient Middle Eastern symbol of protection and good luck in many cultures. 
It is believed to bring positive energy, happiness, health and good fortune to its owners.  

Canvas 8 x 10 Frame  11 x 14         $220.00

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