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"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  ~ Genesis 1:1  In shades of flaxen and blue

        Genesis          $135.00-$145.00

This beautiful Hamsa in shades of cerulean blue evokes the images of water and sky;  and a graceful bird gently floats.

          Star of David


          Tree of Life


This beautiful tree of life in verdant shades of green incorporates the attributes of Wisdom, Foundation, Integrity, Kindness


     (8x10)    $150.00

The pomegranate is an ancient and remarkable fruit beloved by many cultures and religions.
Three delicate stalks of wheat gently nestled in rolling shades of Yellow, orange and greens within a gold outlined Hamsa.

3 Stalks of Wheat (gold)


"In every grain of wheat there lies hidden the soul of a star."  ~ Arthur Machen

 3 Stalks of Wheat (blue)


Many people who do not receive a gift like this for their wedding have them done for an anniversary or family heirloom piece.

Ying Yang  Hearts


"I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine"Persolized Milestone Wedding

I am my beloved’s


"The Earth laughs in flowers." ~ Ralph Walso Emerson  Made in shades of blue and white, a beautiful Blessing for the Home

Heart with Home Blessing


"This are two words powerfully associated with the Southern Jewish experience"

Shalom Y’all


"When we are KIND, we inspire others to BE KIND, and it creates a RIPPLE EFFECT that spreads outwards.

Ripples in the Water


Awash with Sunlight's Radiance


"It dances today, my heart,  like a peacock it dances, it dances.
This Bar Mitzvah/ New Born quilled art is featuring an open Torah Scroll and a Talit.

Bar Mitzvah, New Born


"The Israelites have left Egypt, led by Moses, and have just crossed the Sea of Reeds.

Miriam's Song of the Sea

"Shirat Hayam"


A wish for peace in the wold



Home Blessing

with Pansies


Home Blessing with Pansies. Made in shades of blue, yellow and purple.

Persian Spring (8x10)


nspired by the buds of spring, this Hamsa evokes imagery  of spring in ancient Persia,
Justice Justice Shall You Pursue - is a quote from the book of Deuteronomy 16:20.

Justice, justice


Spring and all its flowers now joyously break their vow of silence. It is time for celebration.

Persian Spring (11x14)


The "Home blessing" is perhaps the most popular supplication in the Jewish world,

Home Blessing

"Birkat Bayit"


"Woman of Valor" She is no passive spectator but an active and powerful partner.

Woman of Valor



"Woman of Valor" She is no passive spectator but an active and powerful partner.

Woman of Valor yellow


"Woman of Valor" She is no passive spectator but an active and powerful partner.

Woman of Valor           $150.00

Across time and cultures, spring has always represented a newness, a fresh start, a time of rebirth and growth.

Spring Blossoms


These charming flowers are collected for you in a wonderful bouquet.

Yellow Garden


The pomegranate is one of the Seven Species mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as being native to the Land of Israel.

Red Pomegranate 

(8X8) $135.00

The Hamsa hand is an ancient Middle Eastern symbol of protection and good luck in many cultures.

Pink Flowers


"Moses" The Crossing of the Red Sea or Parting of the Red Sea

Moshe crossing of        the Red Sea            $190.00

The four cups represent the four expressions of deliverance promised by God.

4 Kiddush Cups


According to legend, Judah Maccabee and the other Jews who took part in the rededication of the Second Temple

Be the Shamash


"Believe in Miracles"The perfect gift for family's who celebrate Chanukah.



"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. " ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie



The perfect gift for family's who celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah.



Hanukkah or Chanukkah, also known as The Festival of Lights, is one of the most beloved Jewish holidays.

Hanukah MenoraH


Moses held his Staff out over the water, water divided, allowing his followers safe passage

       Moses Parts         the Red Sea


This is the traditional New Year Jewish Greeting. Eating sliced apples dipped in honey is another Rosh Hashanah tradition.

A good and sweet            New year (Hebrew)


This is the traditional New Year Greeting.

Book of Life 

Rosh  Hashanah            $150.00

Eating sliced apples dipped in honey is another Rosh Hashanah tradition.

A good and sweet year    (English)




No flower can lift someone’s spirits quite like sunflowers.
Home Décor  Home isn't a place, it's a feeling. Home is where your story begins,

Cherry Blossom


3D Baby's room Decoration   (with LED lights)

3D Baby's room Decoration 

(with LED lights)


"With Each Child The World Begins Anew" ~ Jewish Proverb

Baby Name

Blue or Pink


"With Each Child The World Begins Anew" ~ Jewish Proverb

Baby Name

Stork or Stroller


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